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Summary of the problem of spindle stoppage in woodworking carving machine
Source:本站Time:2016/3/9 13:49:19
1. The three wire cable connector from the spindle motor to the frequency converter is disconnected. Solution: Re plug or reconnect and try again.
2. Welding of the internal leads of the spindle motor of the woodworking carving machine. Confirmation method: Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the three cores of the spindle motor socket. Solution: Remove the socket and re solder the open wire.
3. The three wire cable from the spindle motor to the frequency converter is broken. Confirmation method: Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the plugs at both ends of the cable. Solution: Connect or replace the broken wire.
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主人在调教室性调教女仆游戏,欧美 亚洲 日韩 国产综合,六月婷婷五月丁香综合色一色,亚洲国产欧美一区二区三区爱,国产对白精品刺激二区国语